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TGA 202115 - The archives of the artist Barbara Steveni - 1940s-2020s
1 - Barbara Steveni's records of the Artist Placement Group (APG) - c 1960s-2013
2 - Records relating to Organisation and Imagination (O+I) - 1970-2013
3 - Papers of the Southwark Education Research Project - 1986-2006
4 - Papers and photographs relating to Barbara Steveni's work the 'Banner' - 1993-2019
5 - Papers and recordings for I AM AN ARCHIVE - c 1970-2014
6 - Papers and recordings for Barbara Steveni's work 'Conversations Between Ourselves' - c 2013-2019
7 - Barbara Steveni's papers on the Incidental Unit - 2016-2019
8 - Sketches and sketchbooks with early drawings by Barbara Steveni - c 1940s-1960s
9 - Works based on the archive by Barbara Steveni - c 2000-2020
10 - Barbara Steveni's Projects and Events - 1989-2020
11 - Personal and administrative papers of Barbara Steveni - 1928-2020
12 - Correspondence and papers relating to people in Barbara Steveni's life and work - c 1930-2020
1 - Papers relating to Leo Steveni - c 1930-2018
2 - Papers and correspondence relating to John Latham - 1940s-2019
3 - Barbara Steveni's papers and correspondence relating to Z'ev - c 1980s-2019
4 - Correspondence, notes and ephemera between Barbara Steveni and Mark Hughes - c 1977-1991
5 - Correspondence and papers with artists - c 1974-2018
6 - Barbara Steveni's professional correspondence and papers - c 1980-2018
7 - Letters, cards, photographs, ephemera and other papers collected by and sent to Barbara Steveni from various family and friends - c 1952-2017
13 - Barbara Steveni's diaries and calendars - 1966-2020
14 - Barbara Steveni's notebooks and notes - c 1976-2020
15 - Material relating to other artists collected by Barbara Steveni - c 1960s-2010s
16 - Material collected by Barbara Steveni relating to organisations, galleries, colleges and universities. - 1960s-2010s
17 - Research materials and papers of Barbara Steveni - c 1968-2014
18 - Press cuttings and articles collected by Barbara Steveni - c 1960s-2014
19 - Barbara Steveni's photographs, slides and transparencies - 1960-2010
20 - Barbara Steveni audio/visual recordings - 1970-2015
21 - Artwork and posters by other artists - c 1970-2000s
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