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TGA 201716 - A collection of documents and editions produced at the time of Barry Flanagan's first solo exhibition at the Rowan Gallery 1966 and while a student at St Martin's School of Art in 1965 - 1964-1966
1 - Two alternate copies of 'Thundereye Poem Sheet', each printing a poem by Lindsay Barrett 'The Pale Manifesto Dreams on Bleeding Nights' - [1964]
2 - Barry Flanagan autograph card note signed to Fred Hunter - 9 October 1965
3 - 'Preinfoflanexpoinvite' - 6 May 1966
4 - A complete set of four pairs of 'blob' sun prints, together with the artist's holograph ink explanatory note - 1966
5 - Barry Flanagan invitation card, Rowan Gallery, together with a sun print - 23 July 1966
6 - Barry Flanagan invitation card, Rowan Gallery, London, 1966 - 27 July 1966
7 - Barry Flanagan, untitled statements - 1966
8 - 'Still and Chew' invitation (12 August 1966) - 12 August 1966
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